Monday, November 29, 2010

Home Inspiration

I have never been one of those people who has one of those homes. You know, the one you walk into and feel like it's perfectly decorated. Like everything was hand picked to fit perfectly into each room. The ones where the colors are all complementary (or purposely chosen to stand out). My excuse now is that we're in a rental -- can't change the floors, can't paint the walls, and why do I want to buy things that will match this house when I know I'll be moving in the next year or two anyways? But really, that's just an excuse. Even when we owned a house, I wasn't one of those people. Don't get me wrong -- most of the things in my house matched, and went with a general theme if you will, but it wasn't well decorated.

So why am I talking about this? Well, for Thanksgiving, Jared and I visited a friend's house (well, a friend's mother's house) and w.o.w. It was Amazing (that's right -- with a capital "A"). Mrs. C has the quintessential Southern house. It was beautiful! But the thing that impressed me most was that while it was well decorated and extremely well thought out, it was also very livable. It was not a museum -- people lived here (and it didn't hurt that it smelled like a wonderful Thanksgiving meal being cooked....). I could go on and list the things I loved about the house, but that's not really the point of this post. It reminded me of what I want someday, when once again I have my own house. A pretty house, a put-together house, but a livable house. A place where my eventual children can play, a place where my friends always feel welcome, a place where I am always at ease. My place. My home. So I dream. And I keep photos of the things I like. and the things I love. Here's a peak at my dream, in no real particular order:

Someday, I will have floor to ceiling bookshelves...

Maybe ones that look like this, though.

Love this wine rack/cabinet for the kitchen... plus the bonus counter space!

This simple bed from Ikea would look awesome with a darker or splashy bedspread...

And I love this!! How can you resist wanting to look in each of those drawers for treasure???

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Steph ~ Gainesville Portrait Photographer

Finally, Steph's photos from our For the Love meetup! I loved Steph's classic look (what girl doesn't love a good black outfit?) and check out those boots!

Steph in a pod!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Deb ~ Gainesville Portrait Photographer

Some photos of the lovely Deb from our For the Love get together!

Love using stairs!

A little architecture? I think so!

So fun!

So what you don't know is that Deb is leaning on an
air conditioner -- you never know where you're going
to find a good background!

Deb in a pod!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Wendy ~ Gainesville Portrait Photographer

Success!! Our first For the Love get together was, um, amazing! Wendy, Deb, Steph and I all met at the Starbucks in downtown Gainesville for some coffee, good friends, and good times! I have to admit, even though it was my first time meeting Deb and Steph, it felt like we were all good friends already. We all fell into chatting about photography, about life, and about fun and before long, we'd drunk our coffee and giggled our way through being on the other side of the camera. Roaming around downtown was great -- there are so many fun places to take photos in such a small area. I'll have posts with everyone's photos, but wanted to start with Wendy's. Wendy has become such a good friend this past year - I don't know what I'd do without her! She's always there to bounce ideas off of, has an infectious smile, and always sees the good (in things, in people, in life!). She's like a ray of sunshine (k... getting a bit sappy here, think I'll finish this off quick-like!). Anyways, here are some of my favorites of Wendy....

You see what I mean about that smile? You're smiling now, aren't you? You just can't help it! (Note: this yellow wall was ah-maz-ing! and matched oh, so perfectly with Wendy's outfit!)

Ooooh, show me some love!

RAWR! :)

Wendy in a pod! Love these pod chairs outside of 101 Downtown...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

Warning: This is a personal post. Not much to do with photography, just a lot to do with me, my thoughts, and my religion. Consider yourself warned. :)


It's easy to say I'm thankful. For my husband. My family. My job. My health, my friends, my home. And when it comes to those things, I'm thankful. Very thankful. But it's harder for me to be truly thankful for all things.

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thes 5:18)

Thinking back over this past year, there are definitely things for which I don't want to be thankful. There were hard times, long days, and pain. But in all of this, I try to remember that God has a plan for me. And for this I am thankful, because I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own. One thing that is clear from this past year -- God has put certain people in my life for a reason. On the days when I didn't want to keep walking, when I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from view, there was always someone there to say "Get up. Move on. This too shall pass." So while there are some things for which I cannot yet bring myself to give thanks for, I offer up a multitude of thanks for those people who have gotten me through those times.

I'm working on being truly thankful. For all things. But it's a work in progress.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Dylan & Dorothy ~ Gainesville Portrait Photographer

A quick sneak peak from Dorothy and Dylan's photoshoot on their farm in Gainesville this past weekend. More to come!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The business of photography

Something nobody tells you when you start a photography business: It's a BUSINESS. Should be pretty self evident, right? But when you start (or at least when I started, or as I'm in the process of starting <- probably more accurate) you think "Hey, I love photography. I'm decent at it. I have the technical ability (or a wonderful husband with it) to set up a legit website. How hard can this photography business be?" And so I made myself a website, set me up with a blog, and voila! a business. Rrrright.... and then came contracts, and model releases, and balance sheets, and legal forms, and fictitious names, and taxes, and finding customers, and, and. The business side of this is hard! I'm still working on my business plan and let me tell you -- it is downright difficult to (succinctly) put into words the vision I have for Sarah Reed Photography. How do you describe a passion in business terms? I know where I want to be in a year, but for someone who has no background in marketing, how do I get there? Where do I start? How do I measure success? Is it income? Number of shoots booked? Quality of photographs? And how do I make sure that during all of this buisness focus, I'm not losing the focus on my art? That my photography isn't becoming stagnant, that I stay true to my style of shooting??

So if it's been a little quiet on here lately, that's why. I've been mulling all of these things over in my head, working on them. I'm not sure I'll ever entirely have it figured out, but all of the good resources I've read say that the business plan is not a finite document, it's ever evolving and being reworked. So I'm setting some goals. Keeping them small for now (like, FINISH the business plan, don't just think about it!), talking to some professionals about the way I should be doing business, and making some grand plans for next year. Actually, those plans are starting a little early, I suppose. I've got three shoots coming up in the next few weeks that will hopefully rock your socks off. So stay tuned. Because while it might get quiet on here every once in awhile, it's usually because I'm scheming.... ;)

Finishing on a good note, with quite possibly one of my favorite shots ever...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pete and Repeat

A few more photos from Spain... notice the pattern here? I love repeating patterns in my photos!

(Alcazar, Almeria, Spain)

(Aqueducts, Segovia, Spain)

(Palacio de Carlos V, Alhambra, Granada, Spain)

(Alcazar of Segovia, Spain)

Okay, so not a repeating pattern... but still pretty!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm not feeling very talkative (write-ative?) today, so I thought I'd just put up some pretty photos. These are some I took while in Spain for Sara and John's wedding (look here, here, and here) and hadn't posted on the blog. So enjoy the prettiness today!  (oh, how I would go back to Europe in a heartbeat!)

 Garden at the Alcazaba in Almeria

Aqueducts in Segovia

The tiny streets of Madrid!

Someday, I want a window like this....

In the Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Almeria, Spain

Mojacar, Spain (yes, it's on a hill....)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Calling all brides....

Married or not, wanna be or current brides -- Want a chance for some fabulous, unique bridal portraits? I'm looking for a few lovely ladies to take part in a photo shoot tentatively planned for Dec 5th (that's a Sunday).  If you're interested and in the Gainesville area, let me know!

This does NOT require you to have a wedding dress (so single ladies, if you're interested too, hit me up!) but that would be handy. There is a chance that the dress may get a little dirty (we're not trashing anything here, though, I promise!), so if this is before your wedding, we might chat about what you'll be wearing.

And because no post is complete without a photo:

PS -- In the upcoming months, I may also be looking for some of you beautiful soon-to-be mama's, so if you're in that category and would be interested in some maternity photos, leave a comment here or shoot me an email!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I've been trying to sit down and write this post for three or four days now; it's been that crazy of a week! Jared and I spent this past weekend in Pennsylvania, visiting for a Penn State game and for Kirra and Mason's baptism. It has been a really long time since I've been home in the fall, and I was SO excited for fall colors! Fall may just be my favorite time of the year up north -- the leaves are changing color, the air is crisp, and the temperature is lovely during the day and cool overnight.  There's just a feeling of crisp excitement in the air. The extra fun was that we were home for Halloween and got to see all of the munchkins dressed up! I've got some exciting shoots coming up, but until then, here is some fall prettiness to hold you over!