Friday, October 29, 2010

For the Love!

I was going to start this post with something like "Hey, we're having a get together!" 

And then, for some reason, I looked up "get together" on Urban Dictionary. 
Get Together: What a person with not enough friends to throw a party calls it when they throw a party. (

So we're not having a get together! We're having a chat it up, drink some coffee, take some photos, rock it out, have some fun, shindig. You might remember me introducing the idea of For the Love awhile ago. Or you might have read about it on Wendy's blog.  Just to refresh you if you have heard us talk about it, or to introduce you to is if you haven't, For the Love is a group of photographers that love photography, love art, love good friends and fun times. It's a group to bounce ideas off of, to talk with, to find inspiration and motivation, and to chat with about all things photography and not (because seriously, I know Jared and my family get tired of me talking about this light and that aperture and this other lens, etc!).  So come join us! Where, you ask? Here are the details:

Where: Starbucks in downtown Gainesville (Corner of SE 1st St and SE 2nd Place, near The Hipp)
When: 9:30am Saturday, November 20th

Our plan is to grab some coffee, do some chatting, and wander around downtown G'ville with our cameras, playing with locations and head shots of each other (I know, none of us like to be on that side of the camera, but face it -- we all need head shots, right?).

We hope you'll join us!! Please drop us a line and let us know if you're coming in the comments section -- we don't want to wander off without you!

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