Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The air is crisp. The sky seems bluer. Everything has a crackle of excitement about it.

I love fall. Here in Florida, the leaves don't turn pretty colors, but oh, do we get some beautiful fall days. Fall days that make me excited to carve a pumpkin, to play outside with my girls, to breathe in that crisp air and not feel stifled any longer by our blessed summer heat. Fall puts me in the mood to bake again -- apple pies, pumpkin whoopie pies (for those of you not from the north, these things are amazing and I will bake some at your request!), and all kinds of fall goodness. It seems like with the beginning of October, God flipped a switched and bang! It is fall!

In honor of all of that fall goodness, I made beef veggie soup. I can't remember a fall season going by that my Gram and/or my Mom didn't make yummy beef veggie soup and just thinking about the fall weather made me a little homesick and a little ready for some soup goodness. So I chopped everything up Sunday night, cooked my soup in the crockpot yesterday, and came home last night to a house that smelled delicious!  (and don't worry, I'll be getting my homesickness taken care of the end of this month -- headed home for the baptism of my niece and nephew! Hopefully lots of fall goodness!

and because I can't end without a photo, here's a shot of the yummy-ness that is my beef veggie soup:

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