Friday, August 20, 2010

Planning for great photo shoots

Great photo shoots don't just happen. They are well planned and well executed. Sound difficult? Not to worry! Here are a few things to think about when planning your next photo shoot.

Why are you getting pictures done? Are you looking for photos for Holiday cards? Wanting to update your family portraits? Documenting a special time in your life (engagement, new baby, or little ones growing up)? It's often a good idea to match the location of your photos with what you want to remember about this time. Does your toddler love to play at the park? Outdoor locations like local parks make wonderful locations for photo shoots. Even your house can become a beautiful backdrop for family photos and individual portraits. After all, where is more *you* than home?

So what should I/we wear? Wear what makes you feel good! This also plays into your location and the vision you have for your photos. Personally, I'm not a big fan of matched outfits and perfect coordination. Real life isn't like that. When styling a shoot, I prefer to let each person's individuality shine through. A general theme is good, but don't be afraid to wear different (but compatible) colors. Accessories (think hats, scarves, necklaces, funky shoes) also add great flair and personality to portraits.

Why is time of day a concern? Well, from a photographer's standpoint, early morning and late evening are the best times for light (you know, that soft, glowy, beautiful light...). But that might not be the best time for your family. I encourage you to find a time where everyone will be relaxed and comfortable - don't make everyone wake up at 7am on a Saturday morning if that isn't your norm and means that hubby will be grumpy, kids will be sleepy and you'll be frustrated with all of them. If we need to work around baby's naptime, we will do it! We want happy clients, because happy people make beautiful photos.

Is there anything else to think about? Well, yes! Props are always fun to add to any photo shoot. This might mean balloons, umbrellas, or even a surf board! Antique cars, bicycles, chairs, just about anything you can think of can be worked into a photo shoot. Pets are always welcome too, although it's generally a good idea to bring an extra person if you're bringing Fido or Miss Kitty so someone can take care of them during the photos when they aren't invited.

Not sure when is the right time to have portraits taken? Read this, it’s just a little something to think about, courtesy of Deb Schwedhelm.

Have more questions? I would love to help you fulfill your vision (or help you find it!) for your next photo shoot!

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