Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baha-ing in Arizona

I'm in Arizona right now... and it's hot, the kind of hot that sucks every little bit of moisture out of you. I'm out here for work, for a conference this week whose managers were kind enough to give us an entire morning off today. There were a few options for organized activities, but when I looked online at the hotel earlier, I saw that they offered horseback riding/trail rides at sunrise and sunset... umm, yes please!  Sooo, this morning I got up early and headed over to MTM Ranch in Cave Creek. Patty (the owner and my wonderful guide) was great! After she found out that I ride, we chatted like old friends about this horse and that. She took me on an hour and a half ride through the mountainous desert that borders the Tonto National Forest. The weather was actually great -- cooler than it had been and just the right amount of clouds in the sky. I have a few photos -- just from my little old point and shoot, so forgive me if they're a bit grainy or blurry (no amount of anti-shake can help from the back of a horse!!). I'd love to go back, but I'm not sure if my schedule for the rest of the week will allow it (back to the real world, I guess!). But hey, if you're ever out near Cave Creek, Az, MTM is the place to go!

There were cacti everywhere (I know, I know...desert and all of that).

More cacti and scrub brush.

We even saw a few mule deer!

Nothing like some amazing scenery.

"Champion" was my ride, and such a sweet boy! And yes, I know, the hat is hot. ;) That's what happens when you forget a ball cap and are going on a ride with Patty -- you get a Chinese coolie.

Can you beat that view?? Even Champion likes it. :) (Note: Patty took this and as she was telling me where to stand she said "Stand between those two cacti, but whatever you do, do NOT back him into that bushy one behind you -- he'll come un-done!")


  1. Ummm...can we go riding sometime? That would pretty much be amazing. :)

  2. Wendy, yes! Because that would be amazing. Can't promise the same kind of scenery though... (unless you can get here by tomorrow morning!)
