Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I'm a blog-stalker. Not just photography blogs, but science blogs and other random blogs I like. My favorite blogs are the ones where you really feel as though you know the blogger -- really see how they work, feel their emotions. Some of the blogs I read are hilarious. Some are serious. Others are a realistic account of everyday life. Most are a mix. But what really gets me is that each of them evokes a reaction -- a laugh, a thought, an understanding -- because each of them gives something of the blogger to the reader. And I realize that I haven't been as personal as I should be here. See, I've been telling you about my photography -- the places I've been, the people I've taken photos of. But my photography is part of ME, of the way I see the world. And so for you to truly understand my work, I feel that you need to understand a little more of me. So bear with me these next few weeks as I try to put more of me into my posts, so that you can see the world a little clearer through my lens. Because I LOVE photography, and I want my passion to come through as clearly in my blog as I hope it does in my photographs.

So, that all being said:

Getting to Know Sarah, Part 1: Why I Take Portraits

I texted Sara, one of my best friends, the other day and asked if she wanted to "escape reality" for a little while and have a "Just for Fun" photoshoot. She quickly agreed and we set up our ideas, times, location, etc. Thinking back on the conversation, it really hit me that THAT is why I take photos -- to escape reality. In photos, we can be anything and anyone we want to be. Jasmine Star posted the other day on "The Permission to Feel Beautiful" and it really struck home with me. My favorite part of every photoshoot is when the person (Friend! By this time, you're a friend!) loosens up and starts FEELING beautiful and acting beautiful and all of the inner beauty shines through. This is when I get the absolute best pictures. Later, when clients are viewing the photos, it's the "OOOH, I LIKE that one!" that makes everything feel right. I love being able to show to individuals that they ARE beautiful and it's okay to feel that way!

And as a prime example of one of those shots, here is Ella and Tig:

Now that you've seen into a little corner of my brain, I'm going to go match socks and catch up on Grey's Anatomy (there -- the realistic account of my life part!).

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