Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The best picture ever

Warning: This is post was written by a super emotional hormonal pregnant lady... May contain inappropriate amounts of gushiness.

I know how this is going to sound. But seriously. Seriously. This. is. the. best. picture. EVER.

That's my bebe in there. All perfect with her tiny toes and little hands. Yes, she may look like a skinny little alien right now, but that little person is alive, growing, and kicking (!) inside of me (and not the Alien type of growing inside of me either).  I mean, look at this little foot, with it's little toes:

Maybe I'm just sentimental because this is my first ultrasound of her. Maybe I'm just overly hormonal. Maybe this is the time when all of the crazy pregnant lady traits start to kick in. I don't know. Frankly, I'm not sure I really care. Because suddenly, today, while watching this little person squirm around (and avoid the ultrasound getting a really *good* profile image of her face), my world changed. Yes, it changed a few months ago when we found out we were expecting. But today it changed for real. My heart doesn't quite know how to handle all of this love (so if you see me and I'm teary, it's nothing bad, I promise!).  In just a couple of months, she'll enter this world as her own independent little being. Until then, I'll just continue to dream about the person she might be, and what those sweet little eyes are going to look like.

Gushiness over (at least for now). :)

1 comment:

  1. You may have all the gushiness you want. This is amazing. Babies are truly a gift from God, and you will find that you never knew you could love anything or anyone as much, even before you truly see her tiny little face and beautiful eyes..... E N J O Y E V E R Y M I N U T E!!!
