Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby Owen ~ Gainesville Newborn Photograher

Ahhh, babies!! :) They're so wonderful and sweet. There's nothing like that good clean baby smell (note: I did say clean.... babies don't always smell lovely!) and that soft, soft skin! You may remember Kelly and Mort from their maternity session a few weeks ago. Well, baby Owen was born on Tuesday the 5th, and I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with them on Saturday to capture some images of their sweet new guy! Owen was so good the entire time -- he cuddled right up on the warm blanket and hardly fussed at all. So enjoy all of the sweet baby goodness!

 This cute blanket and hat were hand knitted by a friend of the family. It was so soft and the hat fit just perfectly (Great job Jamie!!).

Love this one in Daddy's hands. :)

Mom and Dad are SO in love with baby Owen. It's the best thing. Ever. Seriously. :)

And now an out-take. Kelly is a dressage rider and before our session had emailed me to ask what I thought of trying to get a photo of Owen on her saddle. I was game to try it, but as you can see below, Mr. Owen was having nothing of it. Poor guy!! Kelly rescued him off the saddle pretty quickly...

Happy Wednesday!


  1. The other Sarah ReedApril 13, 2011 at 10:24 AM

    So cute!! I'm glad to see you're practicing the newborn shots. :)

  2. We love, LOVE the photos! And you were so good with him, I can't believe he practically slept through the entire session! I'm so glad you included the saddle photo; obviously, his future is riding jumpers instead ;-). This will be a great story for Owen one day, especially because his "christening" of the seat seems to have left a faint but permanent mark!

  3. Sarah -- Yes, plenty of practice these days! Too bad Henry will be a little old for newborn shots by the time we're there, but we'll definitely have to schedule a baby brother/big sister session this summer!

    Kelly -- I'm so glad you like them! And of course he's going to be a jumper rider -- boys LOVE fast things!!! :)
