I like sunny days. I like the warmth of the sun, the sparkle as it reflects off of the grass. I like to hear the hum of the bees, smell the flowers on the breeze. I like sunny days.
But I love rainy days. Those days when the sky is gray, the sun rarely peaks out, the rain comes down. I love the sound of rain on the roof, on the windows, tat-a-tat-ing away. The comforting constancy of a good rain, with the occasional rumble of thunder. I love lightening and thunder, lighting up the sky and shaking the world around me. There is nothing more perfect than a dark, stormy day, preferably spent sitting on a couch by a fire, reading a book, with a dog or two curled up on my feet. And while I didn't spend today on a couch by a fire, with a dog at my feet (it was more on a lab chair, at a desk, with a trashcan at my feet), it was wonderfully rainy and stormy all day. One of the beautiful things about stormy days are the sunsets after. I had to run back into the house for my camera when I saw this sky this evening while I was taking my girls out. Still a few storm clouds drifting through, but the light was just beautiful.
So here's to rainy days, deep puddles, perfect thunder, and lovely skies. I'm headed to the couch to curl up with a dog or two (and maybe a husband!)...