Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Even when it's not.

I woke up in a bad mood this morning. No, not in a bad mood, in a down mood. One where that little voice in my head is saying you’re not good enough, you won’t make it, you don’t think like that, so-and-so is so much better at this than you will ever be, you’re just screwing things up. She sits in my head and says these things, prodding my thoughts along in a negative direction. You’re not going to do well, so why even try? And I try to push her out, but she snivels her way back in. And I know that it’s just going to be one of those days. One of those long, mentally and physically exhausting days.

But I also know that I have a lot to be thankful for; that God has and will continue to provide. He has blessed me richly with family and friends, a career, and talents that only I can make the best of. So it is with that knowledge that, even though I know today is going to be long and hard, because she will still be sitting on my shoulder all day, I can still look forward to tomorrow and know that it will be better. The sun will shine, there will be a hug from my husband, my dogs will wiggle when I get home from work, and Aja will nicker for a carrot when I walk into the barn. And life will be (is!) good. Even when it’s not.

And because no post is complete without a photo, here's a shot that always makes me smile. My neice, Emma, during our Christmas photoshoot, giving me one of her silly faces. :)

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