Yes, thankFULLness. As in *completely* full of thanks.
Today was busy. I had a good day at work, came home and relaxed a bit with Jared before going to get a bite to eat. Then, while he went to a rehersal, I picked up the girls and headed to the barn to catch up on some chores. It's relaxing for me to do barn chores. Just to be at the farm, working around the horses, listening to them as they finish their evening hay, I feel peace. I pulled Aja out of her stall and took her outside to graze for a few minutes and as I was sitting there, all I could think was how lucky I am, which prompted this list of things I love and am thankful for (in no particular order):
Of course, Aja. She's my girl and despite her red-headed diva-ness, she is one of my best friends (and yes, a horse can be a best friend. Ask any horseperson.)
Strawberry deliciousness. yummmm....
Little girls on little ponies. How cute is this? (By the way, Sunny, if I ever have a little girl, I want her to be like you.)
And of course, Jared. Who else would put up with my craziness???
There are lots of other things I'm thankful for (like Sara going shopping with me tomorrow for our trip to SPAIN!!), but I'll keep from boring you tonight.... ;)