Blogger is telling me that my last post was August 10th... In some ways, I'm not at all sure how that can be true, and it others, I can't believe it's only been that long since I've posted. Meatball is still cooking (haha, bad pun, I know) but should be arriving sometime in the next week. She is, afterall, due on Sunday (the 25th). I honestly don't know how much I'll be posting after she's born, since I have no doubt that my life and schedule are going to be turned completely upside-down. But I thought I'd give you all a peek at her nursery before she arrives. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you've probably already seen these pictures. If not, enjoy! And I've put down where we purchased things, too, in case anyone is interested.
First, remember where we started:
Then we painted:
Then, we put together the crib and changing table (and are still married, haha!) and, during the three days we were without power due to Hurricane Irene, we put up this wonderful tree we got on Etsy:

Don't mind the red things sticking out from under the crib. It's a jumper seat that Meatball won't be using for awhile, and under the crib seemed like a good storage place for now!
We put up chinese lanterns over the naked light bulbs (one is purple, the one near her crib is white). We also added insulated, light blocking brown curtains to the windows, and cute brown baskets to the changing table (one of which was part of a baby shower gift and matched perfectly!). The rocking horse, small cradle and it's accompanying toys were all gifts. :)
We're so happy with the way everything has come together. It's not quite finished yet (you're not seeing the other wall because of that... maybe soon!), but it's looking much more like a nursery now!
Where we got things:
Crib: Graco Lauren in white, from Target
Changing table: South Shore, from Walmart
Hamper, mobile, crib sheet, crib skirt: Tiddliwinks Batik Butterfly collection, from Target
Baskets: Target