Moving is one of those bitter sweet times -- I'm very much looking forward to the future -- new house, new job, new baby, closer to family and all of those wonderful things. But I will also miss all of my friends and family here and the good times we've had. So rather than whine a little more about the pain in the butt part of moving, I'll put up some of the lovely and amusing things I've found lately on Pinterest (which is quickly becoming addictive... BTW, if you are on Pinterest, let me know! If you're not and would like an invite, let me know that too -- I'll gladly send you one!).
Angry Birds Sandwiches.... awesome.
Spiral art. This reminds me of a toy Grandma had (has?) when we were little (like this). For the life of me I can't remember what it was called, but it had these nifty cog things that made awesome designs. From here.
K. Perhaps enough of the randomness for today... :)